The number of parents who desire to teach their children a language increases day by day. Indeed, they believe that the sooner their child learns this universal language, the better.
The most important factor for the success of children is the enthusiasm and encouragement of their parents, regardless of their age. Consequently, what can they do to help their children progress in this area?
Teaching English to children at home can be challenging for many parents, but with this article and similar articles, we will make it easier for you. So stay with us to learn the tips and tricks of the best method to Teaching English at Home and introduce us to your friends.
12 Effective Ways to Teaching English at Home
· Play with English:
Children instinctively learn anything around them in a natural and unaided manner; they also learn through play and trial and error. So try to incorporate English into their play, just like their native language. By doing so, you can make English language instruction at home more effective and enjoyable for children.
· Seek help from art:
When teaching English to children at home, be sure to incorporate art because kids love creating colorful and exciting things. Undoubtedly, when employing art, you can talk about things such as colors and shapes. Don't forget the art of cooking as it has plentiful advantages to Teaching English at Home. When you cook at home, you can talk about all five senses.
· Ask family members to use English more:
The most effective approach to teaching English at home for kids is for you and other family members to join them. Interaction is a vital condition for learning English. If you intend to teach English to children, try engaging in various activities such as watching movies, singing songs, playing games, etc., with them in English.
· Use stories:
Young kids enjoy colorful storybooks with vibrant illustrations. Look at the pictures together and say the words in English. Subsequently, ask your child to find the picture in the book after you mention the word and point to it. Encourage them to remember the vocabulary and demonstrate it to you in the book.
· Teaching English with songs:
Teaching English with songs accompanied by actions can significantly enhance children’s learning. The rhythm of the songs motivates kids to participate, even if they are unable to sing along, and immerses them in an enthusiastic and thrilling atmosphere where they are exposed to the English language.
· Crafts:
Engage in crafting activities, for instance, if they have learned shapes that day, create crafts together using those shapes.
· Describing actions:
When you are busy with tasks at home, ask your children to tell you what those activities mean in English.
· Cartoons and Movies:
Every year, the best cartoons and movies in the world are produced. See which ones your children like and provide them without subtitles. Animation for kids’ English lessons is very useful.
· English Language Software:
You can easily download an English language learning app for children and allow them to enjoy it.
· Children as teachers:
Ask your children to teach you the things they learned that day.
· Communication with the Teacher:
Each term, inquire about your children's strengths and weaknesses to help strengthen them.
· Be a Behavioural Model for to teach English at home for kids:
Instead of instructing your child to study, start studying yourself, so they become enthusiastic about studying when they see this scene.
End word
One of the most effective approaches to Teaching English at Home for kids is that you can effectively utilize tangible objects and situations that the kid is involved in to help them learn English more believably.
For instance, if your child is getting ready or you are busy dressing up, talk about clothes in English. When you are busy cleaning the house and organizing things, review words related to toys and household furniture together.
When you are cooking, go over cooking-related words together, and when you go shopping together, say the items on your shopping list in English and help each other find them on the shelves. (Depending on the child’s age, you can use words or pictures.) Subsequently, when you want to put the purchases in their proper place, review the vocabulary.